torsdag 5. november 2009

# 8

Today my mom drove me to school because she felt sorry for me - I just love her sometimes:) I have been sick for so long, nothing serious its just a cold. But its been there forever and want go away! Im kind of stubborn when it comes to that subject, thats because my gold is not having any absence from school. So every year its a couple of days which I spend with fever sitting on my desk trying to look normal haha :) But no absence from school, so Im happy :) I also slept when I got home from school, so I would be able to dance at eight..and I did :)!

Im trying to think of something funny to write, but Im to tired so Im just posting a couple of jokes instead :

Q: How does a blonde kill a fish?
A: She drowns it.

Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
A: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.

Q: Why did the blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice for two hours?
A: Because the can said "concentrate" on it.

Q: What is dumber than a brunette building a fire under the water?
A: A blonde trying to put it out.

Q: Did you hear about Pepsi's new soda just for blondes?
A: It has "open other end" printed on the bottom.

Q: Why did the blonde buy a brown cow?
A: To get chocolate milk.

Q: Why are blonde jokes so easy to understand?
A: So brunettes can understand them.

That was all for tonight, not so funny jokes but anyway!
Two tips for today :

Clothes don't make the man, but being naked will get you arrested.

And remember everybody makes mistakes, and you will have the opportunity to laugh of everyone of them while they do it.

Just kidding, sweet dreams <3

Klem fra IDA.

2 kommentarer:

  1. heisann hoppsann!!når kommer nytt innlegg a??jeg leser og skjekker hver dag jeg. Når ses vi igjen også forresten?lenge siden sist ;)
    hvordan går det på jobb og slikt noe?

  2. Heipådeg! Trodde ikke du var så fast leser, selv om du sa det :p Skal så klart lage et innlegg idag til deg <3 Det blir dødskult! (kanskje) :) Storkoser meg på den nye jobben !! Vi kan ses litt i helga maybe baby?
