tirsdag 3. november 2009

# 7

Hi <3
Today has been just one of those days!
At the bus this morning : A physically disable boy waved and said - You can sit with me! (I couldent stop smiling, I had so much to carry and he totally saved me)
At the bus home from school : I was running for my life to make it in time, the bus driver stopped and said - You must make it home in time to dinner!
At the bus to Sandvika with a friend - I got on the bus and she wasn`t there, I called her. She answered saying, are the bus there? I said yes, and asked if she was on it. She wasn`t, I started laughing and the bus driver stared at me smiling. Then stopped so I could get of the buss again!

When I finally made it to Sandvika (with my friend) I bought two sweaters. The one you see on the picture, and one in blue and white also.. Earlier on the day I got a call from the job, and I start on Sunday! In art class today, Anne,Maren and I took a couple of long breaks in the cafeteria. Vilde just said that I can borrow the coolest pyjamas ever! (To wear on Pysjcup). Im to tired to function, and must write on my history and philosophy assignment fun,fun,fun :)

Tip of the day : Take the bus, all the people on it just BRIGHTENS YOUR DAY! :)

Klem fra IDA.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hvordan var pysjcup? jeg ville være med :(

  2. jeg ville at du skulle være der! men det gikk bra, vi vant heiarop tingen :) Dro hjem tidlig da, men gøy fordeom <3
