søndag 25. oktober 2009

# 1

Today I made a blog, and you are probably reading it right now.. so enjoy!
Besides that I`ve been watching Tv with my dad, talking with some friends from school and I made a princess drawing with a little girl.. A lot of pink, silver and gold was used! On the drawing was three princesses and a boat on its way to America (her idea) She also told me that, in America they dont have horses but lots of lions and crocodiles. Gotta love it!

My tip of the day :
Put on a song named sometimes from donkeyboy. Then smile,dance and jump around!

Klem fra IDA.


3 kommentarer:

  1. so sweet <3 congratz with the blog :)
    Gleder meg til å lese mer, hihi
    Glad i deg. Ha en strålende søndag :D

  2. Så gøy! :D Skal lese hver dag! Hun jenta virket skikkelig søt! Men hun slår jo ikke deg da<3
    Kjempe glad i deg jeg faktisk!

    Hei på deg Mirjana! ;D

  3. Ohyea! I love you guys, you`re my 2 steady blog readers ;D xoxo Novelle <3
